October 19, 2022
Congratulations to Jenelle Nicholas, Karli Kuehne and Savannah Coblentz on your All Conference Honors. The game is October 27th at 6:30pm in Westville.

October 6, 2022
Don't forget to order your coaches vs. cancer shirt. All proceeds go to our Elementary teacher Mrs. McCurry.

October 6, 2022
Come out and Support The Pride of Chouteau. Admission is Prelim $10, Finals$15 or Combo $20 and children 5 and under are free. Good Luck Wildcat Marching Band!

October 6, 2022
Come out and cheer on your Ladycats. As they battle to punch their ticket to STATE.

September 23, 2022
When you're out at the football game tonight stop by and purchase a yearbook.

September 14, 2022
Come join the festivities. Celebrate the Wildcats on main street during the parade. Then at Wildcat Stadium for tailgate, homecoming and football game . GO CATS !!

March 31, 2022
The Oklahoma Association of Secondary School Principals (OASSP) and the Oklahoma Middle Level Education Association (OMLEA) are pleased to announce Michelle Brumley of Chouteau Mi...
December 28, 2021
For Transfer information please see the main page:
Parent Resources,

November 15, 2021
Long range planning committee members met for the first time in October to begin the process of reviewing parent, student and teacher survey data along with academic data. "The ...

October 29, 2021
Sending our Cross Country Teams off to the State this morning. They will be running tomorrow at Edmond Santa Fe. Girls run at 1:20pm and boys run at 1:40. #Run ForThe Gold

August 27, 2021
As we move forward with our Continuous Strategic Improvement-long range planning, we would love to have your feedback. Please take a few moments to answer the stakeholder survey....

July 30, 2021
Don’t forget- Back to School Night is for all students in grades PK-12. Students in all grades will need to go to the Elementary/MS cafeteria to pick up JOM supplies, to get transp...

April 19, 2021
Due to the decrease in the number of overall cases of Covid-19 in the state of Oklahoma and in Mayes County, CMPS will reduce the number of restrictions previously placed on our c...

April 11, 2021
Chouteau's own FTC team #12766, the Thundercatz participated in the state qualifier competition in Muskogee. They advanced to state, scheduled to place in early May, having been a...

March 25, 2021
Dear Parents:
We are fortunate to live in and serve a community that believes in the power of public education. The Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools team knows our friends, nei...

February 10, 2021
Distance Learning Thursday, February 11th, and Friday, February 12th due to weather and road conditions.

October 20, 2020
October JOM meeting tomorrow night (October 20th) at 6:00 pm via zoom. Please contact Patty Pereira for more information at 918-476-8376 ext105.