Chouteau-Mazie students benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our school board. January is School Board Recognition Month, so take time to thank a school board member today! RJ Wishard, Brett Drumm, Amber Rice, Cory Nicholas, and Jason Stutzman
about 2 years ago, Michelle Brumley
2022 Board Appreciation
Come out and support your Ladaycats and Wildcats !!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Game Day  vs  Chelsea
Varsity Basketball Game Time Change
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Saturday Varsity Basketball time  change
Come support your Ladaycats and Wildcats !
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Game Day @ Inola
Thank You Chouteau PTO for the wonderful goodies during the 12 days of Christmas.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
PTO Christmas Thank You
Elementary Archery results from the past 2 tournaments. Zion Tournament Results Elementary Girls 1st place - Harper Emory 4th place - Kaisee Alberty 5th place- Sophia Thornton The Elementary team came in second overall. Wagoner Tournament - Elementary Results Boys 1st place- Kevin Yoder 10th place- Rylar Tugmon Wagoner Tournament Elementary Girls 3rd place- Harper Emory 8th place - Evalee McCarter Elementary teams are starting to shoot better as a group. Tournaments are going to become significantly more difficult so we need to keep improving. Coach Helton
about 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Dress up days for the elementary: Dec 12th- Wear a Christmas shirt/dress or red or green shirt. Dec 13th- Tree topper day (wear a Christmas hat or headband) Dec 14th- Wear your ugliest sweater Dec 15th- Dress like your favorite Christmas Character Dec. 16th- Pajama Day
about 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan
3rd grade- “It’s Christmas, Carl” Dec. 12th 6:00 pm 2nd grade- “The Littlest Reindeer” Dec. 15th 6:00 pm 4th grade- “It’s Christmas, Carol” Dec. 15th 7:00 pm Please have your child arrive 15 minutes before the performance in the hospitality room by the cafeteria. Students will be dismissed after the show by class from the stage. Remember to silence your cell phones. These students have worked extra hard so please be respectfully quiet.
about 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Spaghetti Dinner TSA Fundraiser
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
TSA Spaghetti Dinner
Need someone to watch your kids while you shop or just need a break? TSA has you covered Dec.19 10am-3pm.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
TSA Holiday Funday
Elementary Archery is going to Zion Elementary to compete Thursday Dec 8th.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Elementary Zion  Archery Tournament
NASA Coat & Blanket Drive
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
NASA Coat & Blanket Drive
Come out and support your LADYCATS and WILDCATS!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Varsity Basketball @ Ketchum 2022
Come out and support your Ldaycats and Wildcats as they take on the Adair Warriors . Tip-Off 6pm
about 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Season Opener
The Wildcat Christmas Angels are now on the Christmas trees in both the MS Cafeteria as well as the Chouteau HS entrance and the Memorial gymnasium. Please stop by and pick up an angel from one of the trees. Return the packages to the Chouteau Elementary School by December 9th.
about 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan
High School Football has been moved to Thursday November 3rd due to weather.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
High School Football on Thursday
November 3rd 5-7pm Families, please join us for our 2nd annual Literacy Night! There will be a scavenger hunt & each family will receive a free book upon completion. Food will be in the cafeteria provided by CMPS. Judges are looking for: Confident speaker Display is neat Display includes key information about the book and/or character. Costume accurately reflects the book character or topic. Prizes: 1st Place in each category-$15 book fair credit 2nd Place in each category-certificate 3rd Place in each category-certificate *Judging will take place during the school day. Families can view the winners' boards and costumes in their teacher’s classrooms during Literacy Night 5-7pm.
over 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan
National Principal Month
over 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Principal Month
Take State Brayden Russell! He will be running at the state cross country meet on Saturday at 12:15 in Edmond Santa Fe.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Inglett
Cross Country
H.U.GS HATS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, AND SOCKS Cape Chouteau Association of Professional Educators is asking for donations of hats, underwear, gloves, and socks. Once collected, these items will be distributed locally to those in need. Collection boxes will be located at each building office, and we will begin collecting on November 7th and will pick up all items on December 9th. We appreciate your donations, and hope that you will give HUGS to those in need. Thank you!! Chouteau Association of Professional Educators
over 2 years ago, Tamara Bryan